Privacy Policy

By visiting the website of Lacreata Multibusiness Private Limited, we take it as consent to collect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and also take it as acceptance from your end. we assure you that we do not sell, rent, transfer your information to any third party in any way than what is stated in the Privacy Policy.

We understand that your privacy is important and that you care about how your personal data is used and shared online. We respect privacy of data entrusted with / received by us as you visit this website and/or use our service(s).

We are committed to secure and protect your privacy and data of whichever nature, including that of business data, personal data, service data received in the capacity of a data processor etc., as per International standard practices, Information Technology Act, 2000 of India. We are also committed to be transparent about what we collect and how we use it.

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